Saturday, November 21: In the morning, we met Ray Johnson, the tireless director of Chicago House, for a fascinating tour of Medinet Habu, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. Ray pointed out all the interesting work going on around the temple, including the block yard where conservators are preserving blocks and trying to make joins between now separated pieces. The main temple was built by Ramses III, but we also toured the 18th Dynasty small temple and passed briefly over the tombs of the God's Wives of Amun. Houses from later settlement can still be seen following the remains of the enclosure wall. You can download the Oriental Institute Epigraphic Survey publications concerning Medinet Habu for FREE online. See the links listed
here. It was a great way to start a morning!

Court with Osiride Statues

Ray Johnson explaining ongoing work at Medinet Habu

Joan at Medinet Habu
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